President’s Message

I recently read a story about a Texas woman looking to purchase a home on the West Coast and when asked why, she said, because I have 3 daughters! Louisiana becoming the first state to require public schools to display the “Ten Commandments” in every classroom makes me realize how crazy the political climate has become. What happened to the separation between church and state? To say nothing about those who are not Christian. The plan by a specific political party, if elected, to Ban Abortion Nationwide is terrifying! We are fortunate to live in California, but we cannot hide, we must commit to working harder, speaking up, giving more, and encouraging people to vote in this election cycle.

Locally, one of our endorsed and previously elected candidates, SCCCD Trustee Nasreen Johnson is being challenged by a well-funded adversary. NWPC has voted to re-endorse her candidacy and made a $2,000 contribution from our PAC account!  We all need to support her candidacy and work for her re-election!

NWPC’s PAC Fundraiser, the Women’s Equality Day Celebration, August 24, allows us to refill our PAC account to give money to endorsed candidates. I hope you will be able to attend, consider a sponsorship, invite your friends, donate a silent auction item, and help make this an exciting and successful event. A flyer for the event is included in this newsletter.

Please reach out to Cathy Brass with your silent auction items. We are excited to honor Cathy that evening for her service and commitment to NWPC and need a volunteer to help with the Silent Auction duties. Could you let me know if you are the right person for that?

To keep it easy, if you can make a financial contribution to the Booze Table at the next 2 meetings, Joanne Bazarian will take the monies and shop to ensure we have a variety of wine and alcohol for the drawing. Thank you, Joanne!

Please support NWPC in our commitment to elect more women, by supporting the “Women’s Equality Day” Event!

Stay Cool!

In Equality,

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