President’s Message

President’s Message

It is very exciting to begin this election year surrounded by like-minded people who understand the importance of electing women and supporting democracy!

We will be considering the endorsement of and re-endorsement of several local women candidates, who represent NWPC values at the February meeting! 

This month’s speaker’s, Dee Barnes a local political activist, will educate us about the local propositions that will appear on the March 5 ballot. Some of you have asked for an action rather than just a speaker at meetings, Patty Cappelluti, another political activist will provide postcards and messages that encourage sometimes voters to vote in the important March elections! Many of you have written postcards in the past and we know these efforts make a difference in the outcome of elections! There is no pressure to write postcards if you are uncomfortable or choose not to! There are also active campaigns taking place that you may want to get involved with, phone banking, texting, and supporting financially.

The NWPC Board met in January and began making plans for the year. Thank all Board members for their participation and commitment to making 2024 fabulous for NWPC. We hope to continue to grow the Fresno caucus and be more visible in the community. 

The plans for Women’s Equality Day have begun! Please consider joining the committee, it is a fun event to be involved in and the PAC event allows us to make financial contributions to endorsed candidates!

In Equality,

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